In a couple of days, another year has passed. Which means that I, along with probably millions of other people, get to reflect on things. I know I have been going on and on about finding my purpose, discovering what it really is that I wanna do, and that sort of thing. And so here we go...
A few minutes ago while I was sitting in my "throne"(read: doing #2), I realized something. I have never really worked hard for anything. I mean, not in the real sense of the word. I've had it easy all my life. And when it suddenly gets too hard, too tough, I bail. It happened in school, in my violin class, in Spanish, in sports. Am I doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over? I think it was Stephen Covey who said that self-awareness is what makes us human. The fact that we can become aware of our thoughts and actions, that we can look at them from the outside in, signifies that we can change. We are not trapped- we can break free from the things that prevent us from realizing our fullest of potentials.
I gotta do it. Heck, I MUST do it. It's not gonna be easy, that's for sure, but that's what makes everything worthwhile. I'm already 30 years old, for crying out loud. I can no longer use the "I'm in a quarter-life crisis" excuse. I need to commit to something and stick to it. I need all the support I could get. If that means making a vision board, telling my friends and family, so be it. Prayers - well that, I need a lot of, too. I'm getting excited just thinking about all the possibilities.
Come with me as I take a huge leap of faith. Why hello, responsibility. Nice to meet you, adulthood. Great seeing you, destiny.
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