While waiting

Turns out this email blogging thing works just fine. Now I'm just thinking if I should auto-publish all posts sent via email, or if I should save them first as drafts. Currently it's set to the former, but we'll see.

Craving for Sesame Milk Tea from Serenitea! I know, I know - added expense. Additional calories, to boot. But it's a lot cheaper than Starbucks, let me tell you that. Plus, isn't tea supposed to be healthy? Of course, whole milk added to it probably changes the whole equation. Hehehe.

Hopefully the company doctor will give me the all-clear signal so I can start working again. In the office, I mean. One week is too long. Especially since not too long ago, I was gone for a week due to asthma and bronchitis. What's happening to me?!?!

You know how when you're under house arrest, you get too lazy to shave? Well, that's what happened to me. Only this weekend, I was going to shave everything off when I thought, "Hey, let's see if I can rock this moustached look." So far, I haven't received any feedback whatsoever. Heard mass on Sunday, no reaction from choirmates. Let's see what the people from work will say.

Tonight I need to get a lot of things done. Finalize my team's September scores, catch up on emails, check on projects. For personal, send email to co-op to inquire on something. Send an email/fax to two offices for my birthday plans. There are other things, just can't remember them offhand.

As of this writing, I am on a cab, plying the convenient road that is Skyway. I thought against bringing a car to work, since I might get stuck or something. Taking a cab is really expensive, but I pretty much have got no choice. All good.

Sent from my BlackBerry®

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